Monday, April 2, 2012

Loving God

"Love the Lord your God and keep his requirement, his decrees, his laws and his commandment always." Duet. 11:1

Guilt and fear are secondary motivations for keeping the commandments. Love is primary and most faithful. Jesus speaking as prophet said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."

Often we want to love God on our own terms and not follow the commandments. This is like a husband who would buy his wife flowers instead of picking up his socks or washing some dishes. This is actually a kind of self-love, not loving regard for his spouse. It would be better first to help with the the house and later to buy some flowers.

Another husband may have it the other way around. He might help out of a sense of duty, but feel or express no affection for his wife. Toward God, this is a loveless legalism. A joyful sense of duty, nonetheless, can be an expression of faithful love.

It matters the motive from which our living arise. Do we use faith as a cover for a lack of faithfulness? Have we lost our first love fulling obligations and expectations without joy or affection?

Let love be the basis and fulfillment of both faithful action and loving devotion.

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