Sunday, October 14, 2018

Wealthy and the Big Bag, Gospel Sketch Mark 11.17-31

This sketch was written for and performed by members of Good Samaritan Lutheran Ministry, Oct 14, 2018. Our performers included Msoka as Wealth, Venas as Jesus, Nil, Mary, Celestin, Jacquine. The big bag was filled with helium balloons, five of which ultimately floated to the top of the sanctuary as treasures in heaving. Children and adults alike enjoyed receiving balloons. It was a very joyous and energetic service. But most importantly our actors all had a part in proclaiming the gospel and making it visible.

Our congregation and cast are mostly Swahili speakers. The sketch was performed in English as a part of our ESL effort at Good Samaritan. So I applaud our actors for their courage to perform in English.

One side story, when I bought the balloons at Kroger, I had occasion to share with the florist what we were doing, reminding her of the gospel story, and she wanted to hear about our congregation. When I checked out, the cashier also asked about why I was buying all these balloons. I told here the gospel story and sketch too, and she wished she could be a part of that. The customer behind of smiled broadly. It was good to see that the message to go, sell all you have and give to the poor could be expressed in children acting out a story and sharing balloons. It does not have to be a heavy thing. Indeed following Jesus can be as light as balloons that want to float into the sky. So the gospel was shared even in the marketplace. Perhaps this is Jesus said, go, sell what you have. Maybe the point was to take the gospel into the places of commerce, where we encounter neighbors.

I offer this script here. It is free to use and adapt for public, non-profit performance and ministry. Let me know if you use it, as I'd love to know how it went and to encourage me to make such resources available.

Gospel Sketch: Wealthy and the Big Bag

Mark 10:17-31


  • 1-2 Narrators
  • Wealthy
  • Jesus
  • Peter and 1-3 Disciples


  • Large bag with items that can be given away. Suggestion, helium balloons can be given away and will float up showing that giving to others can be joyous. A few may become treasures in heaven.


Narrator 1:       There was a person named Wealthy. Wealthy had many fine possessions and kept them in a bag. But one thing Wealthy lacked, and did not know how to obtain it.
Narrator 2:      A great teacher was passing through. Perhaps this Jesus from Nazareth could show her/him what s/he lacked.
Narrator 1:      So when Wealthy saw Jesus, s/he went out to the Teachers, knelt down and asked:
Wealthy:         Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?
Jesus:              Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
Wealthy:         People say, you are close to God. But me, what should I do?
Jesus:              You know the commandments:
                       You shall not murder;
                       You shall not commit adultery;
Jesus and Wealthy:
                      You shall not steal;
                      You shall not bear false witness;
Jesus, Wealthy and Disciples:
                    You shall not defraud;
                    Honor your father and mother.
Wealthy:     Yes, yes, yes. Teacher, I have kept all these since my youth.
Narrator 2: Jesus, looking at her/him, loved even Wealthy and said:
Jesus:         You lack one thing;
                  go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor,
                  and you will have treasure in heaven;
                  then come, follow me.
Narrator 1: When s/he heard this, Wealthy was shocked and went away grieving. But all her/his many possessions weighed heavily in Wealthy’s bag.
Jesus: [Watches Wealthy walk away and turns to his disciples.]
                How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!
Narrator 2: And the disciples were perplexed at these words. But Jesus said to them again.

Wealthy: [Listens from a distance to what follows.]
Jesus:         Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
                       than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Disciple 1: If not the rich…
Disciple 2: Then who can be saved?
Disciple 3: If not one who knows all the laws…
Disciple 1: ...and one who has followed the law since childhood…
Disciple 2: Then, Teacher, who can be saved?
Jesus:         For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.
Peter:         Look, we have left everything and followed you.
Disciple 1: I have left my home country and follow you.
Disciple 2: I have left a good paying job and follow you.
Disciple 3: I have left behind some of my family and follow you.
Jesus:        Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake and for the sake of the good news, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this age--houses, brothers and sisters, mothers and children, and fields with persecutions--and in the age to come eternal life.
Disciple 3: Wow, you do go on a bit, but we love you.

Wealthy: [Returns as second time. Speaks to Jesus.] Did you really think I could be your disciple?
Jesus:        Of course! Come, follow me.
Wealthy: [Turns to each disciple, unpacking his bag.] Here, I want you to have this.
Wealthy:  Peter, help me unpack. There must be others.
Narrator 1: So the disciples helped Wealthy give away her/his things, and they followed Jesus. Having emptied her/his bag, Wealthy discovered to great joy: S/he had lost nothing, but had gained everything.
Narrator 2: With God all things are possible. Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.

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