God is near the brokenhearted. God is with every frightened child and hears the pleas of the terrified. God is with us in every distress. Broken minds and broken bodies, God enters in to our suffering and will not abandon us. As a community we share the brokenness of God. We will not think it strange that each of us is broken in our own ways. Rather we can bless these as means to grace and knit together the broken heart of God. In this way we welcome any who come our way. May our fellowship with one another say to each stranger, "Come, find your place with us in the big broken heart of God."
Multigenerational Catechesis in the Smaller Church
This is a proposal for coordinated, intergenerational learning in small
membership churches. Luther’s Small Catechism will motivate a three-year
cycle thro...
14 years ago